Unlocking Affordable Housing Options In The US

Establish and support community land trusts, which can acquire and hold land for the benefit of the community, ensuring long-term affordability and community input.

Community Land Trusts

Advocate for and implement policies that promote affordable housing development, such as tax incentives, subsidies, and zoning reforms to encourage mixed-income neighborhoods.

Government Policies

Explore innovative financing models, including public-private partnerships, impact investments, and community development financial institutions (CDFIs), to fund affordable housing projects.

Innovative Financing

Implement programs to preserve existing affordable housing units, preventing the loss of affordability due to market pressures or neglect.

Preservation of Existing Housing

Review and revise zoning regulations to allow for increased housing density, promoting the construction of more units on available land and reducing development costs.

Density and Zoning Reforms

Expand and enhance the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program to encourage private investment in affordable housing projects.

Affordable Housing Tax Credits

Foster collaboration between public and private entities to leverage resources, expertise, and funding for affordable housing initiatives.

Public-Private Partnerships

Simplify and streamline the regulatory process for affordable housing development, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and expediting project timelines.

Regulatory Streamlining

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